Made In The U.S.A.


Hi Everybody. Thanks for checking in. Just a quick update for future readers of this now-archived blog. Here’s what this is:

A few years back, I spent the entire year, from January 1 to December 31, buying only things that were Made In The USA. I didn’t do it to prove a point, so much as to see what would happen and what I would learn. I learned a lot, in fact, and that’s what the blog is about. I wrote daily updates as to my progress, and I philosophized about exactly what I was learning and how it was affecting my daily life. I also developed quite a few theories about what it means to be a conscientious consumer. So that’s what you can read here. It’s all about my year of buying American, and what I learned in the process.

If you’d like to start from the start, go here: The First Post

And if you’d like to get in touch, please feel free.

Oh, and in the interest of preserving the original content of the blog, here’s what the About page used to say.

“I’m not a jingoist, but I’m spending this year buying only stuff that’s Made In The USA. Seriously. Nothing imported. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

Surprisingly, it’s going pretty smoothly. There’s been a lot of coffee- and fruit-related drama. And I’ve been avoiding electronics. But I’ve successfully bought MITUSA (that’s Made In The USA) tires, windshield wipers, sneakers, aftershave, various foods both good and bad for me, vinyl records, T-shirts, light bulbs, dryer vents, heavy duty glue and much more. And I’ve developed a real appreciation for buying used goods–things that I have deemed “naturalized” by their first owners.

What started as an adventure in buying American has really turned into an adventure in buying less. Reducing, reusing and recycling have become intertwined with my notion of “buying American.” I can’t say that I’m doing it so much as a way to save jobs as I am trying to pay attention to, and ultimately reform, my ever-so-American buying habits. The farther I go, the more I realize how liberating it is to take charge of your consumption.”

